Saturday, April 28, 2012

Aspen Mountain Flowers

I've been wanting to paint this from a photo I took over in Aspen several years ago.  I just finished it after working on if for several months.  It was very complicated with all the bricks, the flowers and the window that reflected the mountains in the distance, cars and scenes from close to the building, and through the glass, lots of items in the store.

Kauai Surf Paintings

One year ago, my son and I were on the beach at Kauai, HI.  I took lots of photos and finally got around to painting 2 of them.  This is the first time I've ever painted the ocean - it brought back fond memories.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Finally finished the Iguana painting

After many changes, I finally finished the painting of 2 iguanas.  The title is "Sunbathing Beauty"  It was a lot of fun to paint the back-lite spines along his back and the flap under his chin.